Unfortunately, after EDDF for XP11/12 V1.0.0 was faulty (including no taxiways), the jetways do not work in V1.1.0.
Furthermore, many airport gates are not selectable when starting X-Plane. One mistake follows the next.
I have already opened a ticket here and also sent further information via Facebook Messenger, unfortunately I have not received any reaction.
Please reply, thank you.
Yep SAM is installed....but still showing the same...on previous version 1.1.0 no errors.
on last update via ORBX, xplane 12.1 beta 7 is giving an error about texture not loaded....Any one is having the same....
Supplement for EDDF/XP12:
Unfortunately I haven't been able to check all gates/jetways yet, but in the Terminal B/C area only the jetway at gate B26 seems to be working.
In the XP11 version, all gates are shown and available, the jetways are working, but there is no taxy network for Traffic Global.
Please correct the errors in a short-term update.