Hello Captains,
It’s hard for me to find the words to express the gratitude and happiness following the release of our free scenery last Friday. So far, after about 72 hours from its release, we reached an astonishing number of downloads: more that 6500 as I type.
It’s a crazy number for us! And what it’s even crazier is the amount of constructive criticism and appreciation emails we received, where a lot of positive and very kind words were spent.
I would like to thank everyone who downloaded the scenery and spent some time sending us feedback on how to make the scenery looks even better.
We take seriously all the feedback, suggestions and requests received and we will start working on those soon.
As mentioned in the release post, Frankfurt scenery will receive regular updates.
That said, we would like to address some of the most asked question so far:
The people on the screens in the ATC tower are me with some friends / gf.
The GSX profile is still in beta but a good starting point. We are aware that there are some issues and we will start working to solve them asap. This applies to some broken jetways too. It’s in our top priority list.
AI traffic and spawn points seems a bit bugged and will receive extensive testing and a proper update, ideally along with the GSX profile.
Performance: that’s a good one. Some people (with mid-end pc) reported very good FPS while some other with high-end pc reported stutters and drops in performance. We will rescale some textures and optimize the heavier models even more, adding more LODs where required. This should help solving the issue.
Missing buildings and T3: there’s a long list of buildings we want to add sooner or later, this include the whole Terminal 3 of course and also the new fire station, as well as some more surrounding POIs like missing car parkings and Lufthansa buildings etc. These will be added for sure at some point.
If you submitted a support ticket, please bear with us a bit more as we are looking at all the requests. We will be back to you very soon.
Once again, thank you very much for your warm welcome into this new experience for us and for taking time to report and submit all the missing features and bugs.
Along with v1.1 we will open to the public our Discord channel where you will find a very friendly, professional and healthy place where to share your passion for both flight simulators and real-life aviation.
Once again, thank you!
Blue always up,

Hello Vittorio,
Thank you for the update of EDDF for XP11/12.
Unfortunately I get an error message when loading, the error is not only occurring for me, there is at least one other user.
Where is the error?
XP12.1.0-beta 7, WIN 11 Prof.
Greetings Horst